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Faith in Public Life Speaker Series

When the Reverend Dr. Roy W. Howard retired after 19 years as the leader of Saint Mark, the congregation needed something special to honor his service.  Only something bold, thought-provoking and powerful would reflect and continue the programs he led during his tenure.  Over Roy’s 19 years Saint Mark welcomed (not in any order):


Concerts with a spiritual connection including: Don Saliers (Theologian) and Emily Saliers (Indigo Girls), Kate Campbell, Carrie Newcomer, Pierce Pettis, Robin and Linda Williams, Ensemble Galilei, and Maggie Sansone. 


Theology, Racism, and Christian Practice: How Shall We Respond?

A series of conversations about racism and how to integrate Christian theology with practices to counter it in our lives and communities.  Speakers included Dr. James Cone in his last lecture before he passed away, Dr. Willie Jennings, Drew Hart, and Karen Brangan author of The Family Tree: A Lynching in Georgia in cooperation with the Saint Mark Booklovers. There was also a screening of the film about James Baldwin, “I Am Not Your Negro.”


Faith in Public Life: Sister Prejean, Katharine Hayhoe, William Raspberry, Dr. Francis Collins, Diane Rehm, Herman Boone (local football coach in Remember the Titans), Dr. Tom Troeger, Roger Nishioka, Gilbert Rendle, Marva Dawn, Anthony Robinson, and Colby King.


And so it seemed inevitable that Saint Mark decided to honor our retired pastor with a program that continues this legacy. The Session of Saint Mark approved this honor and the event was to be called “the Reverend Dr. Roy W. Howard “Faith in Public Life” Speakers Program”. Each year a speaker will be chosen to discuss an important topic relevant to faith at the intersection with  contemporary life.

The the first annual lecture in 2023 welcomed Derek Black.  In 2024, we are pleased to host the Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis.


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